Acceptance Of
The Journey
My story is not unique and I am by no means a professional in therapy or mental illness. But I recognize the dangers of an unknowing world and how it can affect those who struggle. If my story can shed light and hope with anyone that is my goal. If one chain of judgment, condemnation, or stigma break through this awareness, then progress begins towards positive change. Healthier lives and mindsets begin with understanding and a willingness to view things from a different perspective.

”Sometimes I think the greatest FEAR people face, is the admission that they FEEL. Facing those truths can be a scary thing. But once we confront and accept what is FELT then healing begins, walls fall down, and life takes on a whole new meaning.
Owning our truth is the first step towards stepping out of denial.
No shame in owning who we are. We have been given opportunities to express ourselves in unique ways and that in itself is amazing.
I hide behind a mask no more. No longer will I shame myself because you don’t understand. I take a stand to be me and accept myself with every flaw, knowing I am exactly as God planned.” - Judy Williams